Monday, December 11, 2023

Strong Today. Future Focused. Words of Appreciation

Last month, voters in the Willmar Public Schools community came together to

help the district address its financial and space challenges. On November 7,

voters approved the operating levy and bond referendum for Willmar Schools.

In addition to a middle school gymnasium that conforms to Minnesota

Department of Education minimum requirements, the referendum approvals

will support students and staff. 

The operating levy will be used to continue important mental health supports,

fulfilling needs that have only grown with time. Further, the levy approval will

help us maintain existing class sizes and a broad variety of academic,

co-curricular, and extracurricular programming. Finally, funding raised from

the levy will be used to attract and retain quality staff and ensure financial

stability that will help us to remain strong today and future-focused. 

Middle School Gymnasium Next Steps

We expect groundbreaking and construction to start this spring, with an eye

toward a fall 2025 occupancy. Initial drawings have been completed, and we

are working through final approvals in preparation for going out to bid. As we

work through the details, we’ll keep the community informed at every step of

the process. 

Our Community. Our Cardinal Pride.

We have seen how supportive our community can be, and while we know not

everyone voted yes for this referendum, we think we can all agree that we have

some common beliefs about our community and our schools. We are excited to

move forward and are dedicated to being good stewards while making

important decisions on behalf of our community’s children.

On a personal note, we are truly grateful for your trust and support of our

school district. We will continue to be available to discuss our district and our

great student accomplishments, visit your club or organization, or even have a

cup of coffee. 

Please reach out to either of us with any questions.

Dr. Jeff Holm, Superintendent, or 320.231.8510

Dr. Bill Adams, Assistant Superintendent, or 320.231.8506

For More Information

Visit for more information about Willmar Public Schools.

Dr. Jeff Holm is the superintendent of Willmar Public Schools; Dr. Bill Adams

is the assistant superintendent of Willmar Public Schools.

Draft Drawing of Middle School Physical Education Space (SE of Current Structure)

Draft Drawing of Middle School Physical Education Space (SE of Current Structure)

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Gifts Beyond Wrappings: Embracing Time, Traditions, and Unseen Blessings During the Holidays

The holiday season resonates deeply with me. In the Adams household, we hold dear the traditions of Christmas and New Year’s while also acknowledging other celebrations at this time, such as Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and others. Festive gatherings, delicious meals, and abundant joy form the heartwarming highlights for the Adams family, with the added layer of fun brought by NFL football, cribbage, and other games. These celebrations over the years have created many wonderful memories for our family and I’d like to share one of them with you.

One of my favorite family holiday memories is from a large family gathering. Our oldest daughter was probably four then (she is now 24). The entire Adams family had converged on an evening of celebration. As part of the celebration, children were asked to gather around a speaker. As the speaker was talking to the children I caught a glimpse of my daughter dressed in her most beautiful holiday clothing looking intently at the speaker soaking everything in. I remember goosebumps taking over my skin and tears filling my eyes. In the spirit of the holidays, at that moment I realized the great gift bestowed upon me, children.

During the holidays, a lot of emphasis is placed on giving and receiving gifts. For me personally, the hustle and bustle of the holidays can have the unfortunate effect of putting me in auto-pilot mode as I seek to observe my wife crossing off items on whatever checklists are demanding her attention at the moment while asking my input. What I appreciate most during the winter break is the time I’m provided to deliberately break out of auto-pilot mode and connect at a deeper level with my wife and four children. This protected time allows us to embed new traditions and more meaningful conversations into our family’s rituals.

The possibility of purging traditions that may be competing for our attention on “what really matters to us” is a true gift. In a similar vein, there are gifts that we can bestow that will make a difference for our children long after the luster of a new Barbie or the new Harry Potter trivia game wears off (don’t get me wrong, I love Harry Potter). The gift of time is one such gift. With the increasing demands on families’ schedules, I understand that it may not be possible to increase the number of minutes that parents have available to be present (pun intended) with their children. What we can do is leverage those minutes by setting aside our handheld devices and engaging with children via conversation, play, and one-on-one time. Integrating concepts like respect, responsibility, mathematical thinking, etc. into authentic real-life interactions is a powerful learning tool. At the risk of being vulnerable, I’ll share a personal story.

When my son Gable was 4 years old (he is now 19) my wife called me and informed me of a conversation she had with him. He had said he was worried about the fact that I may not be proud of him because he doesn’t wrestle. To put this into perspective I am a huge amateur wrestling advocate (not WWF). This information jolted me upright and provided me with careful reflection. At that point, my son did not realize what a great gift he was to me, and that, wrestler or not, I loved him dearly. At that point, I made it a priority of mine to let him know what gifts he had that truly made me proud of him. I consistently told him how proud I was of him for his gifts to do mathematics and make friendships. This story also catapulted me to recognize the great gifts my other children and wife had.

I certainly don’t share these side stories to imply that I was doing or am doing the parent or gift thing better than anyone else. Truth be told, I am not. My intention is to engage in a continuing dialogue about what we can do collectively to support student learning and provide all students with the opportunities and skills that will help them make important decisions later in their lives. Sometimes this is as simple as taking a step back to reevaluate priorities and routines, affirming what matters, and pursuing new goals. The best gifts often manifest themselves as opportunities in our daily lives. What we do with these gifts is up to us.


On behalf of the entire Willmar Public Schools staff, we wish you the happiest of holidays. May you discover your true gifts this season and enjoy a relaxing and enriching break.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Recognizing Excellence - Rotary Paul Harris Fellow Award Recipients

In the spirit of acknowledging outstanding contributions to our community, we take immense pride in celebrating the recent recipients of the Rotary Paul Harris Fellow Award. These individuals have demonstrated exceptional commitment and service, embodying the values that Rotary cherishes.

Lauri Liebl (PH+5):

Lauri's dedication to our community is not only commendable but goes above and beyond. With five Paul Harris Fellow recognitions, she has consistently shown a deep commitment to service and making a lasting impact.

Steve Brisendine (PH+5):

Steve's unwavering dedication is a testament to his commitment to Rotary's ideals. With a Paul Harris Fellow +5, he has exemplified leadership and service that have left a lasting imprint on our community. For those of you who didn’t know, Steve was the Willmar Public Schools Community Education Director for several years. He certainly knows a thing or two about “Service Above Self.”

Jack Behr (PH+2):

Jack's contributions, earning him a Paul Harris Fellow +2, highlight his commitment to Rotary's mission. His efforts have undoubtedly enriched our community, showcasing the power of service.

Joy Baker (PH+6):

Joy's remarkable journey, marked by a Paul Harris Fellow +6, speaks volumes about her passion for community betterment. Her commitment to making a difference has had a profound and lasting effect. We were happy that Joy was able to join us after her very busy book tour.

Tom Johnson (PH+7):

Tom's outstanding contributions, earning him a Paul Harris Fellow +7, reflect the epitome of Rotary's ideals. His continuous service has significantly impacted our community, fostering positive change.

The Value of the Paul Harris Fellow Award to Our Community:

The Paul Harris Fellow Award is not just a recognition; it symbolizes a commitment to service above self. These individuals, through their multiple recognitions, have demonstrated a sustained dedication to making our community and world a better place. Their actions inspire others to step forward, creating a ripple effect that strengthens our society.

These recipients have become examples of service, illustrating that every act, big or small, contributes to the greater good. The Paul Harris Fellow Award is a reflection of the collective effort and commitment to Rotary's principals, making our community a brighter, more compassionate place.

Rotary’s 4-Way Test:

Is it the truth?

Is it fair to all concerned?

Will it build goodwill and better friendships?

Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

To learn more about the Willmar Rotary Club, please visit We would love to have you join our club. Feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions that you may have.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Navigating Minnesota's World's Best Workforce Legislation


The Five Key Goals

The Minnesota legislature created the World's Best Workforce legislation in 2013. The legislation outlines five primary goals, each aimed at preparing students for a successful future. From readiness for school to high school graduation rates, these goals are meant to reflect a vision for student achievement.

  • Ready for School: Ensuring that every child enters kindergarten prepared for the learning journey ahead.

  • Third-Grade Literacy: Fostering proficiency in literacy among all third-grade students. This goal area was sunsetted after the 2022-2023 school year.

  • Closing the Achievement Gap: Addressing disparities in educational outcomes across racial and socioeconomic groups.

  • College and Career Readiness: Preparing students for a seamless transition to post-secondary education or the workforce.

  • Graduation Rates: Ensuring that all students graduate from high school.

Engaging Communities

This legislation aimed to foster collaboration among local communities, bringing together school districts, parents, community members, and policy-makers. The goal was to facilitate meaningful engagement, allowing school districts to gather valuable insights and customize strategies that address the distinct needs of students. Despite its well-intentioned purpose, this vision remains largely unrealized across most districts in Minnesota. The various sectors involved are preoccupied with their individual priorities, making it challenging to carve out time for additional conversations.

Tailoring Approaches to Unique Contexts

While the World's Best Workforce legislation did afford school districts the autonomy to shape plans per their local demographics, the initiation of such efforts at Willmar Public Schools predates this legislation. We recognized the significance of this work long before it became a legal requirement. Over the years, we've empowered our educators and administrators to make decisions that prioritize the well-being of all students. Our confidence in the capabilities of our dedicated employees to consistently act in the best interest of our wonderful students has been unwavering, and it will continue to be so.

Monitoring Progress Transparently

To uphold accountability and transparency, school districts routinely communicate their strategies and outcomes. This systematic approach nurtures a culture of continuous improvement, where decisions are driven by data to guide the ongoing improvement of educational practices. The significance of transparency with our constituents has long been embedded in the culture of Willmar Public Schools, evident even before the enactment of the World's Best Workforce legislation. We are committed to maintaining this transparency.

In line with this commitment, we invite you to a district update on Monday, December 11, 2023, immediately following our 4:30 pm school board meeting in the Rehearsal Hall at WEAC (611 5th St. SW, Willmar). Additionally, our annual report to the State of Minnesota, underscoring our dedication to transparency and accountability, is due on December 15, 2023.

Continuous Improvement Plans

Our district has always been committed to continuous improvement and has kept track of progress at the district level and individual schools. Our most recent process is the development of continuous improvement plans. The priority areas are listed below.

Goal/Priority Area #1

All children are ready for school.

World’s Best Workforce

Goal/Priority Area #2

All third-graders can read at grade level.

World’s Best Workforce

Goal/Priority Area #

All racial and economic achievement gaps between students are closed.

World’s Best Workforce

Goal/Priority Area

All students are ready for careers and college.

World’s Best Workforce

Goal/Priority Area

All students graduate from high school.

World’s Best Workforce

Goal/Priority Area

Standards-Based Learning

WPS Prioritized Needs

Goal/Priority Area

Build Relationships

WPS Prioritized Needs

Goal/Priority Area

ALL means ALL

WPS Prioritized Needs

In closing, if you're interested in delving deeper into the details of the World’s Best Workforce legislation, you can explore the resources provided by the Minnesota Department of Education on their website: For Willmar's specific plan, you can find it at Should you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to reach out—I'm always happy to engage in conversation.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

A Grateful Note to Willmar Citizens for Your Support

It is with gratitude and a deep sense of appreciation to provide this editorial. On November 7, 2023, our community came together and made a resounding statement about the value we place on education. I am delighted to share that both Question 1, the operating levy generating $3,000,000 annually, and Question 2, the $6.1 million bond referendum for new physical education space at the middle school, were approved. This collective effort marks a crucial step forward for Willmar Public Schools.

Question 1: Investing in Educational Excellence

The approval of the operating levy is a testament to your commitment to sustaining and enhancing the quality of education in our district. This three million dollars annually will play a vital role in retaining and attracting high-quality faculty and staff, maintaining competitive wages, preserving mental health services, and sustaining optimal class sizes and course offerings.

Question 2: Building for the Future

Simultaneously, the support for the $6.1 million bond referendum is a nod to our collective vision for a better educational environment. This investment will enable us to construct new and improved physical education spaces for our middle school students, addressing their growing needs.

A Community United

Your support, expressed through the votes cast, speaks volumes about our community's dedication to the education and well-being of our students. It is not just a positive for the school district; it is positive for the entire Willmar community.

Thank You, Willmar

To each citizen who took the time to vote, to those who engaged in conversations, and to everyone who played a role in this process, thank you. Your commitment to our schools is admirable.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Strong Today. Future Focused.

The Willmar Public School District’s “Strong Today. Future Focused.” Referendum is currently underway and will conclude after the election on November 7, 2023. Our primary aim is to ensure our community is well-informed, which is why we’ve chosen to share information with the West Central Tribune. We believe this information will empower you to make an informed decision at the ballot box.

Strong Today. Future Focused. 

In 2015, our community’s support played a pivotal role in enhancing our education facilities. However, due to factors such as inflation outpacing state funding, unfunded mandates, declining enrollment, and various other challenges, we find ourselves in need of additional financial support. To address this, we’re proposing a “Strong Today, Future Focused” operating levy and bond referendum centered around the following themes:

Learning together - Maintaining class sizes and a broad variety of academic, co-curricular, and extracurricular programming is a hallmark of our schools, as is having the flexibility to enhance student opportunities when they arise.

Building together - Willmar Schools provides a foundation for learning with quality, teachers, staff, and mental health resources for our kids, and the educational spaces needed to succeed.

Better together - Our community recognizes the importance of strong schools for strong communities. We’re strong today and future-focused because we recognize that kids are our greatest asset.

The Need

For 2024, the Willmar School District approved a budget reduction of $2,000,000. Without an increase in revenue, further cuts will be necessary to maintain a balanced budget. The district has been using its general fund reserves, akin to a savings account, to balance the budget. However, this approach is not sustainable, and, without changes, the general fund reserves are projected to be depleted within a few years.

Without additional revenue, we will experience the following:

  • Increased class sizes

  • Reduced programming, notably mental health

  • Reduced opportunities for students

The Plan

The Willmar School Board voted unanimously to approve a two-question ballot for a November 7 referendum.

Question 1 is asking voters to consider an operating levy that would generate approximately $3 million in annual revenue.

Question 2 is asking voters to consider a $6.1 million bond levy to construct a new gymnasium for the middle school to provide a more adequate physical education space for students. Question 1 must pass for Question 2 to pass.

How Will the Operating Levy Money be Spent?

The Process

By listening to our community and its leaders, Willmar Public Schools knows that the community is supportive of the District and referendum. A recent survey revealed the following:

The Cost

The cost, if the referendum and bond are passed, would be approximately $23 a month for the average estimated market value home of $225,000. To see the specific tax impact on your property, please visit and use the provided tax calculator.

Financial Comparisons to Other School Districts

The Willmar Public School District is among the lowest of all taxing rates within neighboring schools. Even with the proposed referendums passing, the school tax bill would remain in the lower half of neighboring schools.

How do we compare to our neighbors?

Early Absentee Voting

Early in-person voting started September 22, 2023, and will last through November 6, 2023, in the District Office during our school hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For further details regarding absentee voting and the election, please visit our website at

Do you have further questions?

If so, please visit our referendum website at If your questions are not answered there, please feel free to contact Dr. Adams or Dr. Holm at the following contact information:

Dr. Bill Adams


Dr. Jeff Holm
