Monday, April 22, 2013

When will this end?

My first year as a Superintendent has been filled full of learning opportunities and growth.  The weather patterns this year have been a measurable portion of my growth.  On snowy mornings I typically wake up at 4:30 am to check on road conditions.  I take out my Honda Accord and navigate a route that takes me as far north as Madison Lake and as far south as Waldorf and Pemberton.  That route is a good tool for decision making for our District.  On my drive I typically contact the Superintendents from surrounding districts to get their insight.  I would have never imagined that those drives would be as numerous as they have been.  Although I enjoy the quiet time listening to talk radio, I would much prefer green grass and blue skies.  It is 10:53 pm on Monday the 22nd of April and it appears the Accord will be making another trip throughout our District in the early hours of the morning.   The picture below depicts my feelings regarding our current weather and I am sure many of you feel the same way.

A Welcomed Letter

On Monday, April 22, 2013 I received a letter from an 85 year old male from California.  In the letter was an explanation for his mailing.  He was in an antique store and came across a postcard from 1908.  On the postcard was a picture of Janesville High School as it stood in 1907.

Here is the copy of the postcard:

The gentleman did ask the District to send him $7.00 or $8.00 and to maybe throw in a little for postage.  He said that if he heard back from the District, that he would have to take his wife out to lunch.  I thought this was a very nice gesture from someone that has no 'ties' to our District.