Friday, April 19, 2024

Exploring Calendar Options: Willmar Public School District's Upcoming Survey

The Willmar Public School District is planning to conduct a survey regarding our school calendar among staff, eligible students, and the community. To ensure maximum participation, we've decided to postpone the survey until next fall. This delay will help us gather thorough feedback from the entire community.

Minnesota offers several alternatives to the traditional school calendar for districts to consider:

45/15 Calendar
This year-round schedule has students attend school for 45 days followed by a 15-day break, repeating throughout the year. While maintaining the same number of school days as a traditional calendar, this model distributes breaks more frequently, potentially reducing summer learning loss and providing regular rest periods for students.

4-Day School Week 

Under this model, students attend school for four extended days per week, which can help districts save on operational costs. This schedule is particularly favorable in rural areas where students face long commutes.

Pre-Labor Day Start

Starting school before Labor Day requires a waiver from the state, as Minnesota law generally prohibits such early starts. Districts may seek this exception to align more closely with post-secondary schedules or to better prepare students for standardized testing periods.

The survey aims to understand community preferences regarding these calendar options. The results will guide the school board's decision-making process. If there is a preference for alternative calendars, the district must hold three community hearings for further feedback before any changes can be implemented.

As the survey period approaches next fall, we will provide detailed information on how stakeholders can participate. Our goal is to ensure a transparent process that considers all voices in our community.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Embracing Diversity: Lessons from A Children’s Book

Recently, diving back into elementary classrooms to read has been a highlight for me. As a former elementary teacher, nothing compares to the joy of sharing a new compelling story with enthusiastic students. This year, "I Want to be Spaghetti" by Kiera Wright-Ruiz caught my eye. Despite my initial hesitation, the story's message about the beauty of being oneself won me over, proving the age-old lesson: never judge a book by its cover.

The narrative follows a ramen noodle packet's wish to be spaghetti, leading to discoveries about the value of individuality and the importance of accepting others. This theme of acceptance struck a chord, not only with me but also with our students, who could nearly unanimously pinpoint it as the story's theme.

This reflection on acceptance brings me to the beautiful diversity within Willmar Public Schools. Our student demographics are as follows: American Indian (1.0%), Asian (3.9%), Black or African American (15.0%), Hispanic or Latino (43.6%), Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (0.1%), White (34.3%), and Two or More Races (2.0%). Our students also include English Learners (24.5%), those in Special Education (19.9%), recipients of Free/Reduced-Price Meals (69.4%), and the homeless (0.5%).

These numbers paint a picture of a vibrant, diverse community, exemplified by a plasma-cut metal display of the world in Willmar Senior High School. This display, decorated with pins marking our students' origins, highlights the global reach of our school community. Acceptance is not just a principle here; it's a practiced reality, fostering countless friendships and enriching our educational environment.

The story of our boys' soccer team, as featured by Michael Lyne, alongside the commendation of educators like Mesay Doyamo, spotlighted in the University of Minnesota's article "A Quest for Equity in Ag," emphasizes our efforts to reflect our student body's diversity among our staff. These are examples of how we are working to create a staff that is reflective of our student body.

Additionally, we're excited about the future development of a teacher apprenticeship program. This initiative is designed to encourage our students to consider teaching careers, offering a pathway that includes dual credit classes, apprenticeship experiences, and the possibility of becoming licensed teachers who reflect the diversity of our student body.

Our diversity is one of our many strengths which fosters an environment of acceptance and understanding. Willmar Public Schools is a place where every individual is valued, and our collective diversity is celebrated. We are proud of our community, where acceptance and collaboration pave the way for a brighter future for all. #WillmarProud

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Empowering Futures: Strengthening Literacy at Willmar Public Schools

In the spirit of February being I Love to Read Month, I felt compelled to share the significant impact that literacy has on the development of our students’ learning journeys. Literacy is often described as the gateway to education and the key to unlocking a world of knowledge and opportunity. At Willmar Public Schools, we recognize the importance of literacy in the development of our students’ learning journeys. It is the foundation upon which all other areas of instruction are built, and it plays a pivotal role in shaping their future success.

In our pursuit of continuous improvement, we have commenced the journey to strengthen literacy within our learning organization. Last school year our Elementary English Language Arts Curriculum Review Committee began reviewing a new reading curriculum, however, the 2023 legislative session prompted a change of course due to the passage of the READ Act. As per the guidelines set forth by the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), beginning on July 1, 2024, every district was mandated to furnish teachers and instructional support staff entrusted with the responsibility of teaching reading with comprehensive training in evidence-based instruction. In addition, the MDE selected approved curricula, screeners, and interventions for literacy instruction.

Choosing the Right Path

The first step in our journey towards improved literacy and compliance with the READ Act involved selecting the most effective training program for our educators. A PreK-12 Literacy Committee of 31 educators has narrowed the choices to the Online Language and Literacy Academy (OL&LA) and Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS). In February, our local cabinet, which includes superintendents, directors, and principals, reviewed these options and concluded that the Online Language & Literacy Academy (OL&LA) would be well-suited for our district. This program offers comprehensive training to equip our teachers with the knowledge and tools they need in their consistent pursuit of improving literacy instruction.

Minnesota’s READ Act has also created mandatory screeners for school districts throughout our state. As a result, the MDE selected the DIBELS 8th Edition and FastBridge which are both educational assessment tools used to measure students’ progress and proficiency in various aspects of reading and literacy. These tools are primarily utilized in elementary and middle school settings to help teachers identify students who may need additional support in reading, as well as to monitor the effectiveness of interventions and instruction over time.

A final requirement of the READ is selecting an approved curriculum if districts plan to use READ Act funds to pay for it. Currently, the MDE has approved the following curriculum.

Comprehensive Curricula

  • EL Education, Open Up Resource, 2017

Foundational Curricula

  • Magnetic Reading K-2, Curriculum Associates, copyright 2023

  • UFLI Foundation K-2, copyright 2022

  • University of MN Functional Phonics+Morphoology K-5, copyright August 2023

Knowledge Building Curricula

  • Wit & Wisdom-Great Minds, copyright 2023

Our Team

Carrie Thomas, the Director of Teaching and Learning at Willmar Public Schools, invited staff members to join the PreK-12 Literacy Committee. This new committee was tasked with reviewing the MDE’s approved professional development options and mandatory literacy screening tools. Thirty-one members of our school district responded to this call to action, demonstrating the high value our staff places on literacy. We are proud of this response and extend our gratitude to the educators who became part of our guiding coalition.

The Minnesota Legislature mandated each district to appoint a Literacy Lead, a role we proudly filled this year with Katelyn Skudlarek. Katelyn brings a deep passion for literacy and a strong foundation in the science of reading. Throughout the year, she has conducted highly effective professional development sessions for our staff, laying the groundwork for the required upcoming training.

Focus and the Future

As we celebrate I Love to Read Month, Willmar Public Schools' dedication to advancing literacy highlights our commitment to empowering students with the skills necessary for lifelong success. Our journey, enriched by the expertise of passionate educators, underscores the collective effort to elevate literacy education. By selecting approved curricula and professional development programs, we are not only complying with the READ Act but are also laying a robust foundation for our students. As we move forward, our focus remains on nurturing a culture of reading that opens doors to endless possibilities for our students.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Celebrating Excellence in Education: National Recognition for Minnesota Leaders

The Midwest is known for its exceptional PreK-12 education systems, supported by well-aligned organizations, highly qualified teachers, and universities that do well in preparing future educators. Our local school districts are dedicated to the continuous development of their staff, supporting an environment where teachers, administrators, and support staff are all committed to enhancing student outcomes. This collective effort ensures that our educational systems lead to academic excellence.

This commitment to excellence was recently showcased at the American Association of School Administrator's (AASA) National Conference on Education, where Minnesota's educational leadership received positive recognition. Dr. Joe Gothard, Superintendent of the St. Paul Public School District, was honored as the AASA National Superintendent of the Year. Known for his courageous leadership and dedication to equitable education, Dr. Gothard's recognition is a testament to his unwavering commitment to ensuring inclusive educational opportunities for all students.

Additionally, Minnetonka's Superintendent, David Law, was named one of three finalists for the 2025 AASA President. This role is pivotal in guiding the organization's policy and representing the collective voice of the education community across the United States. Superintendent Law's candidacy highlights his and Minnesota's influential role in shaping national educational policies and practices. 

Both Dr. Gothard and Superintendent Law exemplify the spirit of collaborative leadership, valuing the contributions and successes of all school districts, regardless of size. Their recognitions not only underscore the exceptional quality of Midwest education but also celebrate the genuine leadership that drives our schools toward continuous improvement.

Minnesotans have every reason to take pride in our public education system. These national recognitions reinforce the belief that Minnesota's public school districts rank among the finest in the country, thanks to the dedication and excellence of our teachers, support staff, educational leaders, school board members, and communities.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Supporting Minnesota Students Beyond the Classroom: A Parent's Guide to Tax Credits and Educational Savings

Willmar Public Schools is committed to ensuring that our students and their families are aware
of important financial opportunities that can support their educational journey. We are happy to share information about significant tax benefits that can assist Minnesota families: the enhanced Child Tax Credit and tax deductions for educational expenses, including school supplies.

New Child Tax Credit Offers Financial Relief for Families

Minnesota families are now eligible to claim the Child Tax Credit, a substantial financial relief measure aimed at reducing child poverty and supporting the well-being of children across the state. The credit, which amounts to up to $1,750 per child, is available with no limitation on the number of children claimed. To claim the Child Tax Credit, families must file a 2023 individual income tax return. Most taxpayers eligible for this credit may also qualify for free tax preparation assistance. We encourage our community to explore the income requirements and qualifications detailed on the Child Tax Credit webpage provided by the state.

Tax Benefits for School Supplies: Save Your Receipts

In addition to the Child Tax Credit, the Minnesota Department of Revenue offers valuable tax benefits for parents purchasing school supplies for their K-12 students. Eligible purchases include most school supplies, field trips, and musical instruments for school bands. By saving receipts, parents can reduce their taxes and possibly increase their refund through the K-12 Education Credit and Subtraction.

The majority of Minnesota parents qualify for the K-12 subtraction, which lowers their taxable income. Furthermore, parents who meet certain income thresholds may be eligible for the K-12 credit, potentially refunding up to 75% of their costs, even for those who do not owe any taxes.

Act Now to Take Advantage of These Opportunities

Willmar Public Schools encourages families to explore these financial opportunities to support their children's education. Detailed information on how to claim these benefits can be found on the Minnesota Department of Revenue's website. We recommend visiting the site for comprehensive details on eligibility and how to apply for these tax benefits. You can access both of these opportunities via the below websites.

Child Tax Credit:

School Supplies:

Willmar Public Schools remains dedicated to supporting our students and their families both inside and outside the classroom. We believe that by sharing this important information, we can help ensure that our community is aware of the financial supports available to them.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Balancing Mastery-Based Learning, Trauma-Informed Instruction, and “All Means All” Teaching at Willmar Public Schools

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, striking a balance between various teaching methodologies is crucial. At Willmar Public Schools, we are deeply committed to integrating mastery-based learning, trauma-informed instruction, and “all means all” teaching. Our current focus is on developing proficiency scales and standards-based learning, drawing more recent inspiration from the insightful book, School Wellness Wheel by Mike Ruyle, Libby Child, and Nancy Dome.

Mastery-Based Learning: A Core Focus

Mastery-based learning is pivotal in our approach. It allows students to progress at their own pace, ensuring they achieve a deep understanding of each topic before moving on. This method, rooted in the belief that all students can learn given the right time and support, aligns perfectly with our goal of fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment.

Trauma-Informed Instruction: Understanding the Whole Student

Trauma-informed instruction is another key component of our educational strategy. Recognizing that many students come with varied backgrounds and experiences, often including traumatic events, our educators have been trained to create a safe, supportive, and understanding classroom environment. This approach is vital in helping students feel secure and ready to learn. As noted on page 63 of Ruyle, Child, and Dome's book, understanding and addressing the impact of trauma is essential for effective teaching and learning.

“All Means All”  Teaching: Embracing Different Learning Modalities

“All Means All” teaching is the third pillar of our educational approach. In our diverse community, it is essential to acknowledge and value each student's background. By incorporating differentiated materials and perspectives into our curriculum, we aim to make every student feel seen, understood, and respected. This approach not only enhances engagement but also fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of the differences among all students.

Building Proficiency-Scales and Standards-Based Learning

Our current project involves the development of proficiency scales and standards-based learning models. This initiative is designed to provide clear expectations for student learning, offering a roadmap that guides both teaching and assessment. By clearly defining what students need to know and be able to do at each stage of their education, we can more effectively tailor instruction to meet individual needs.

As many of you know, the Willmar School Board and Local Education Association have collaborated effectively, agreeing to allocate ten dedicated memorandum of understanding days over the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school years. These days have been specifically designated for the development of proficiency scales and the advancement of standards-based learning. Our teaching staff and principals have devoted these days to intensive work in these areas, and their progress has been nothing short of remarkable. I am personally filled with immense pride when I see their dedication and the strides they have made in enhancing our educational framework. Their efforts are a testament to our commitment to educational excellence and continuous improvement at Willmar Public Schools.

Integration in Practice

Integrating these approaches creates a comprehensive and dynamic learning environment. Mastery-based learning ensures that each student achieves a thorough understanding of the material. Trauma-informed practices provide the emotional and psychological safety necessary for effective learning. “All means all” teaching ensures that our curriculum is aligned with our entire student body.

Moving Forward

As we continue to refine our proficiency scales and standards-based learning approaches, we keep the principles outlined in "School Wellness Wheel" at the forefront. We believe that by balancing these methodologies, we can provide a holistic and effective educational experience that meets the needs of every student at Willmar Public Schools.

In closing, the journey towards a balanced and effective educational approach is ongoing. At Willmar Public Schools, we are dedicated to evolving and adapting our methods to ensure that every student receives the best possible education. By focusing on mastery-based learning, trauma-informed instruction, and “all means all” teaching, we are paving the way for a future where all students can thrive academically and personally.

Ruyle, M., Child, L., & Dome, N. (2021). School Wellness Wheel: A Framework Addressing Trauma, Culture, and Mastery to Raise Student Achievement (Kindle edition). Marzano Resources.