Greetings JWP Families,
Each and every summer we spend time reviewing practices throughout our school district to ensure the safety of our students. This summer we studied our Crisis Management Plan and traffic flow around the building. We have made some adjustments to both so that we can provide our students with safe experiences in and around our building.
This letter is being provided to update families on traffic flow updates around the JWP school building for the 2015-2016 school year. Please read this letter carefully, study the map provided, and ask any questions that you may have.
The east side of N. Main Street on the west side of the JWP building will be reserved for bus loading and unloading from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. This is designated on the provided map by a yellow line stretching from E. 3rd St. to E. 4th St.
E. 3rd Street will become a one way street from N. Main St. to N. Market Street. This is called out on the map by a blue line running from Main St. to Market St. This area will now serve as student drop off and pick up before, during, and after school. On the south side of E. 3rd St. there has traditionally been parking for staff and visitors. That area will now be 15 minute parking only. There will be signs installed to cover this information as well.
Preschool, Early Childhood Family Education, Early Childhood Special Education and School Age Care will now drop students off on the southeast side of the building outside door E1. You can see the traffic flow suggested by following the green line on the map.
As always, we appreciate your understanding and flexibility. It takes a partnership to ensure the safety of our students and we are thankful for your support! In closing, should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.
With Kind Regards,
Bill Adams, Superintendent
Bill Adams, Superintendent