Friday, February 13, 2015

A Path to Eliminating Paperwork for our Families

Over the past three years at Janesville-Waldorf-Pemberton I have heard from many of our families that the amount of paperwork they fill out at back to school conferences is exhausting.  This year, we have started studying various ways to eliminate some of the paperwork families are asked to complete.

To start the study off, I emailed superintendents in the area to share their processes for back to school registration.  I have gathered this information and compiled it into a database.  Recently, the elementary secretary, elementary principal and myself met to go over the paperwork we have families fill out.  From there, we have identified what paperwork can be eliminated.  What we have realized is that an abundance of the paperwork filled out is already listed in Infinite Campus, our student information system.  However, some of this information is not housed in Infinite Campus.  We have contacted Infinite Campus to find out if there is a way we can have new script written so that families do not have to continuously provide information we should already have.

Our hope is to provide an efficient process that will meet the needs of our families, students, faculty and the Minnesota Department of Education.  As always, we take feedback from our families seriously and are always looking for ways to improve our processes.  Thank you for providing us feedback to ensure we are on the path of continuous improvement.

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