Friday, April 19, 2024

Exploring Calendar Options: Willmar Public School District's Upcoming Survey

The Willmar Public School District is planning to conduct a survey regarding our school calendar among staff, eligible students, and the community. To ensure maximum participation, we've decided to postpone the survey until next fall. This delay will help us gather thorough feedback from the entire community.

Minnesota offers several alternatives to the traditional school calendar for districts to consider:

45/15 Calendar
This year-round schedule has students attend school for 45 days followed by a 15-day break, repeating throughout the year. While maintaining the same number of school days as a traditional calendar, this model distributes breaks more frequently, potentially reducing summer learning loss and providing regular rest periods for students.

4-Day School Week 

Under this model, students attend school for four extended days per week, which can help districts save on operational costs. This schedule is particularly favorable in rural areas where students face long commutes.

Pre-Labor Day Start

Starting school before Labor Day requires a waiver from the state, as Minnesota law generally prohibits such early starts. Districts may seek this exception to align more closely with post-secondary schedules or to better prepare students for standardized testing periods.

The survey aims to understand community preferences regarding these calendar options. The results will guide the school board's decision-making process. If there is a preference for alternative calendars, the district must hold three community hearings for further feedback before any changes can be implemented.

As the survey period approaches next fall, we will provide detailed information on how stakeholders can participate. Our goal is to ensure a transparent process that considers all voices in our community.

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