As I reflect on the past three months it seems as though March 15th was years ago. It was on that day we were informed our district would be entering a new era of education entitled, Distance Learning. Our experience with this had its ups and downs along the way and we are certainly hopeful we can return to school in August as normal.
I personally want to thank all of our staff members for rolling up their sleeves and doing their best to make a less than ideal situation a positive experience for our students and families. In addition, I want to thank our students, families, and community members for their patience, understanding, and support during that transition and throughout the experience.
As a school district we certainly understand that through this experience there were times of celebration but also times of learning and growing. I sincerely appreciate those students, families, and community members who shared their specific needs directly with our staff in an effort to improve our distance learning experience (i.e. instruction, childcare, food service, mental health support, etc..). Your direct communication was important and appreciated.
Here are some points of interest regarding our distance learning experiences:
- We provided childcare for anywhere between 35 and 50 children on a daily basis.
- We served 41,110 meals during our distance learning period.
- We provided over 100 devices for students in need.
- We provided 45 access points for our students and staff in need.
In closing, thanks to all of you for a wonderful year, have a great summer, and we look forward to seeing you all again soon!
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